Calendar Printing for Photographers & Designers

Calendar Printing for Professionals

Calendar printing in the UK for photographers

We specialise in calendar printing for photographers, artists and designers.

Our years of experience providing printing services to photographers and artists enables us to offer the very best service. We understand the importance of colour reproduction and image quality, and we strive to reproduce the finest quality on all our printing presses.

Supplying Calendars to Photographers with Accurate Reproduction

We supply photographers including Joe Cornish, Nigel Danson and Thomas Heaton. Our work with all photographers and artists demands the highest quality pre-press application and printng presses to be able to reproduce accurately.

Calendar printing is one of the best ways to present work in a printed format, and we believe that each image should be represented to the very best quality available.

Calendar printing for Photographers

Professional Calendar Printing

Our calendar printing service is used by companies and organisations, photographers and designers who require a professionally printed and presented calendar.  We supply a first class service from comprehensive pre-press support through to production and individual wrapping of each calendar.

Design Your Calendars Online

To reduce your costs in the artwork stage, we also offer a free online calendar design service. Here you can upload your images to a range of pre-designed calendar templetes.

buy calendars online

Click the image above to take you through to our Johnsons Calendars website. Here you can get an online quote and buy your calendars. It also has a quick and easy upload facility to add your images from a number of templates. Each template has an image ratio so you can choose the best ratio to suit your images. You can also choose from A3 Calendar templates or A4 calendar templates, and from standard and premium to suit budget.

Designing Your Own Calendar?

If you don’t want to use our calendar templates, we offer full support to anyone who is designing their own calendar format. We’re here to discuss any part of the process and in particular, the best way to save files for printing. See our artwork guidelines for more information, and don’t hesitate to get in touch.