Hoarding; Subway Art

Winsford Subway Project

hoarding panels in Winsford

We recently worked on a wonderful hoarding project, transforming Winsford Subway. Working with Winsford Town Council and students and staff from Warrington and Vale Royal College, we transformed the subway with two lengths of printed aluminium hoarding boards.

The Level 3 Graphic Design Students at the college did themselves and the town proud, producing stunning artworks celebrating Winsford past and present. Using inspiration from well known graphic illustrator Ben Tallon, the students worked on architectural themes in a colourful and creative way.

We were then able to reproduce the artwork into print ready files that could fit along the 25 metre lengths of subway. Using our AGFA workflow software, we printed directly onto 2.2 metre high x 1.1 metre width Aluminium hoarding panels. These were then coated with a gloss anti-graffiti laminate to protect the artwork.

subway project in Winsford

The hoarding boards were installed after a Cover Meter Survey and Risk Assessment survey were completed. This enabled us to fit a framed bed to accept the hoarding panels. This allows for any future artwork projects to be easily added in the years to come. The hoarding installation is a little trickier than it looks but all 24 pieces of artwork were beautifully hung ready for the grand opening by students and staff from the college as well as Town Council staff.

The artworks look absolutely superb and completely transforms the subway. We produce many hoarding projects at Johnsons Printers and this goes down as one of the most stunning transformations of urban space.

Take a look at this article with the staff and Level 3 Graphic Design Students from Warrington & Vale Royal College with their work before this project was installed by clicking here. It was a pleasure to work with them.

Project for Preston MET

A Joint project between UCLan and Preston City Council by Johnsons Printers

Fire proof hoarding panels
Fire-proof hoarding panels, printed and installed at Preston MET

This project was managed by Charles Quick of UCLan Professor of Public Art Practice and co-principal investigator of In Certain Places – an art-led research project, which brokers connections between people and places. We were contacted by Professor Quick to tender for a rather unusual project where Preston City Council wanted to create a mobile Event Tent arena which could be moved around Lancashire.The arena was created from four shipping containers which could easily be opened up to create a contained performance area and seating for 100 people.

The challenge for Johnsons Printers was to reproduce the stunning Jenny Steele artwork in printed aluminium boards, and then to fit the boards to all four corners of the Mobile Event Tent. This meant an installation that was a bespoke cut and fit on site. It also had to have boards which could easily be detached and stored during transit and then easily reassembled at each venue.

We were delightd to be able to offer our high quality hoarding print and marry this up with a bespoke fitting service. This project included working with artist Jenny Steele and Preston City Council’s MET (Mobile Event Tent) . This involved printing Jenny Steele’s beautiful artwork onto aluminium hoarding and fitting around four shipping containers. This is a truly remarkable project led by Professor Charles Quick of University of Central Lancashire. Take a look on Jenny’s site for more images of this wonderful artwork.

If you would like to discuss similar bespoke projects such as these, please get in touch with our wide format team here at Johnsons Printers. We work on a range of projects from new build projects and artists reproductions. We’d love to discuss your future project.

 To find out more about studying graphic design or a related course at Warrington & Vale Royal College, click here.